Payroll Setup

The second step of onboarding is to provide information about any payroll system you use, as well as your company's pay frequency and schedule. We use this information to schedule your expected payroll contribution dates and remind you to process contributions for your employees. 

This section consists of two smaller sub-steps:

  1. Payroll System
  2. Pay Schedule

Below, we will walk through each step in greater detail. 

1. Payroll System 

During this step, you will indicate which payroll system your business uses. 


From the “Payroll System” drop-down menu, please expand the list by clicking on the arrow next to "-Select-," then do one of the following:

  1. Find and select your payroll provider. The payroll providers are presented alphabetically, so please scroll through the list to find your provider.
  2. If your payroll provider is not listed, select Other from the list and type in the name of your payroll provider.
  3. If you don't use a commercial payroll system, please select No Payroll Provider/In-House, which is the very first option on the list.

Once you've completed your selection, please press the Save & Continue button to move to the next tab.  

2. Pay Schedule

During this step, you will select when your employees are getting paid by naming your pay schedule and selecting its pay frequency. If you have different pay schedules for different groups of employees, set up one schedule, and you will be given the option to add the others during a later step.


  • Name - Designate a name for this pay schedule. If you have different groups of employees paid on different schedules, the name you choose for each schedule should help you differentiate between the various schedules. You can use any naming convention that is useful for you.
  • Pay Schedule - From the drop-down menu, select your pay frequency. Depending on which pay frequency you choose, you may be asked for additional information to identify your actual pay dates and pay schedule. Here is a definition of each pay schedule option: 
    • Every Week - Choose this frequency if you pay employees weekly. Once selected, you will be asked to choose which day of the week this weekly pay date occurs.
    • Every 2 Weeks - Choose this frequency if you pay your employees every other week. Once selected, you will be asked to choose which day of the week your pay date occurs. Then, you will also be asked to choose between the next two possible pay dates so that we can derive your ongoing schedule.
    • Once a Month (Last Day) - Choose this frequency if you always pay monthly on the last day of the month, regardless of the number of days in the month (i.e. 30 days, 31 days, etc.)
    • Once a Month (Specific Date) - Choose this frequency if you pay employees monthly on a date other than the last day of the month.
    • Twice a Month (15th & Last Day) - Choose this frequency if you always pay twice monthly on the 15th and last day of the month regardless of the number of days in the month (i.e. 30 days, 31 days, etc.)
    • Twice a month (Specific Dates) - Choose this frequency if you pay twice a month but on dates that are NOT the 15th and Last day of the month. In this case, you will be asked to provide us with your next two pay dates to help us derive the ongoing schedule.
    • No Regular Schedule - Only choose this option if you pay your employees on an ad hoc basis or your schedule is not included among the choices.    

Whichever pay schedule you select, once you have successfully entered the required fields, you will be presented with each of the 5 upcoming pay dates, calculated based on the information you have shared.


Verify that the dates presented are an accurate representation of your upcoming pay schedule. If not, confirm that you chose the correct pay frequency and entered the correct supporting information to establish your correct ongoing schedule. If a pay date falls on a weekend or holiday, the business day before will be shown for that pay date.

Please note: No dates will be presented if you choose the No Regular Schedule option.

Select Save Pay Schedule to proceed.

If your company only pays employees on one pay schedule, select Save & Continue to proceed to the next step, “Payment Setup.”

Setting up Multiple Pay Schedules

If your company pays different groups of employees on different frequencies or schedules, click the Add Pay Schedule button and complete the pay schedule set up for each additional schedule. You may set up as many pay groups as necessary. Each established schedule will then appear on the screen. Please give each pay schedule a name that means something to the person who will be submitting the employees' contributions.


Once you've completed all your required pay schedules, select Save & Continue to proceed to the next step, “Payment Setup.”